
Section 3 - Snickers Gap to Ashby Gap Displayed from North to South

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  Potomac Appalachian Trail Club Info @ PA 233 to Rockfish Gap, VA

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Snickers Gap (DOT lot)
   Poor           Great

The official northern end of this section is in the median strip of VA 7 about 0.1-0.2 miles west of the intersection with VA 601. There is a large VA DOT commuter parking lot at this intersection (south of VA 7 and west of VA 601). This has ample parking. This lot can be seen on the satellite view of the attached map. Click on the camera icon by Marker A and rotate to the southeast to see the entrance to the DOT lot.. To reach the official south terminus of the section, walk along VA 7 to meet the AT (Marker B). According to the AT Guide, there is supposed to be an AT sign somewhere in the median, but I did not see it. The route is shown by the blue line on the map. If going northbound to Section 2, go straight ahead (west) for about 0.1 miles to the intersection with VA 679, turn right, cross the highway and go up VA 679 to the other parking lot. The southbound trail to Section 3 goes left down an old driveway. Click on the camera icon by B and rotate to the south to see this driveway and to the west to see the route down the highway. 1/8/2010

Alternatively a blue-blazed trail leaves from the southwest corner of the DOT parking lot to meet the AT in 0.2 miles. Northbound AT to VA 7 is to the right, southbound is left. 1/8/2010
Ample at DOT lot


David Cullen
N39.06.919 W077.50.824 This GPS reading is for the VA DOT lot east of the AT. 10/14/07


at @
An A.T. hiker reported to ATC (on 9/30/13) that at least three cars parked at the VA Rt. 7 commuter lot on 8/31/2013 had front windshields, driver's side windows, and mirrors broken off. He parked safely at the Trailhead on the north side of Rt. 7 that day. 10/02/13


sdaniels @
UPDATE NOTICE: Hikers who find the VA 679 lot full and park on the shoulder of 679 (as is currently happening) will have their cars towed by Clarke County (as is currently happening). If the 679 lot is full, hikers should go to the Snickers Gap DOT lot. 4/8/2015 update 2/10/2021


at @
Per a March 28 2023 news article published in 'The Winchester Star', police are investigating thefts from at least seven vehicles parked at this lot. Thank you to the ATC for alerting us to the situation. 03/29/23


WardandDA @
Snickers Gap (VA 679)
   Poor           Great

Alternative parking is on VA 679 just north of the intersection with VA 7. Note that there are two intersections of these two roads. The relevant one is the more eastern. It is about 0.2 miles west of the intersection of VA 7 and VA 601. The A marker on the attached map indicates the entrance to this parking area. The area can be seen on the satellite view just to the east of the marker. Click on the first next to the instruction starting 'Go left...' and rotate the street view to the north. This looks down VA 679 from VA 7. The entrance to the lot is just where VA 679 curves left. The official northern terminus of section 3 is supposed to be a marker in the median of the highway, but I did not see it. To go southbound to Section 3 follow the route shown by the blue line on the map. Cross the median at the crossing for VA 679, then go left (east) along the shoulder about 0.1 miles until the AT goes right up a gravel driveway. (Marker B). Click on the camera icon by Marker B and rotate the street view to the south to see this driveway. 07/25/11 6


David Cullen
The markers indicate the small parking area on VA 679. 07/25/11 6-12


chico20854 @
UPDATE NOTICE: Hikers who find the VA 679 lot full and park on the shoulder of 679 (as is currently happening) will have their cars towed by Clarke County (as is currently happening). If the 679 lot is full, hikers should go to the Snickers Gap DOT lot. 4/8/2015 updated 2/10/20


at @
Spout Run
   Poor           Great

On the AT, about mile 3.0, there is a gated private road with a sign that says Private Road No Access to Rte 604 - For AT access to Route 604 go 0.8 miles north. or words to that effect, with an arrow. That would be Spout Run. While there is an intersectiion with an old road at Spout Run it is not maintained and it is not blue blazed or marked as access to 604. Nor is there any indication on 604 of access to the AT. There is no room for parking along 604. In an emergency it might be possible to park behind the Ebenezer Baptist Church,where there is an AT Boundary Marker, near Spout Run, but no visible trail. You probably could bushwack from there or, if you can find it, along the abandoned road. Not recommended. 04/03/08


dennisf6 @
VA 605
   Poor           Great

From north: From intersection of VA 7 and VA 601, take latter south for approximately 4.5 miles to intersection with VA 605 at Mt. Weather (highly classified government installation). From south: From intersection of US 50 and VA 601, take latter north for approximately 6 miles to the intersection at Mt. Weather. Follow VA 605, a narrow but relatively good quality dirt road, west for 1.5 miles to trail crossing. The marker on the attached map indicates the crossing. GPS: N39.0720 W77.9120. The northbound trail goes right (if coming from Mt. Weather) while the southbound trail goes left. There are some parking pull-outs but as of 2018 there is no legal parking here. See comments. Formerly people did park on the power line right of way on the north side of the road and that might work for a quick drop-off although I suspect that een that is illegal. The notice given below is from the following: . If anybody has further information please contact us. "You can no longer park on Morgans Mill Rd. VA605 where the Appalachian Trail crosses. There are No Parking signs on either side of the road and reports indicate if you do park there you can receive a ticket or potentially be towed." 08/12/19 0 legal


David Cullen
Morgans Mill Road VA 605 has a new hiker parking lot that fits 15 cars. Improved dirt road and appears safe and frequently used. 04/26/21 10-15


Billmarshall2001 @
Trail to VA 601 Parking
   Poor           Great

From the intersecion of US 50 and VA 601 take the latter north for 0.2 miles to a gravel driveway on the left. This descends steeply to the parking area. The marker on the attached map shows the approximate location of the entrance to the parking area.. It is very easily missed. There is a small sign saying something like Hiker Parking I believe it is the first possible left turn of any sort off VA 601 north of US 50. A blue-blazed trail leads west about 0.1 miles to the AT. To reach US 50 and the southern end of this section, go left 0.2 miles. Northbound AT is straight ahead. Coordinates at the AT intersection are 39.0176 -77.9630. 3/12/06 8-10


David Cullen
US 50 - Ashby Gap
   Poor           Great

The south end of this section is where the trail crosses US 50. The crossing is just west of the intersection of US 50 and VA 601. The marker on the attached map indicates the approximate location of the actual trail crossing. Click on the camera icon for the A marker and rotate the street view to the southwest to see the southbound trail to Section 4 going into the woods. Click on the camera icon for B and rotate the street view to the east to see the northbound trail to section 3 also going into the woods. In both cases the actual trail is difficult to see but look for the white blazes which mark the trailhead. Others might have a better knowledge of this than I, but roadside parking on US 50 would seem to be difficult at best and perhaps ill-advised or illegal. See Mile 13.9 for better parking in the area.

The northbound ATcomes in from the west, goes right, crosses the median, then goes back into the woods to the east. Note: Hikers can cross the median directly and do not have to follow the route in blue on the map. 11/14/09
Probably 0 at crossing


David Cullen
The marker indicates the approximate location of the actual trail crossing of US 50. 01/06/08


chico20854 @

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